One random day, celebrating life in Milwaukee, we stumbled across each other. With good vibes and friends all around, the story begins...
From the late night phone calls to the random text messages, a connection began. Here is our first trip together in Puerto Rico. We could have never imagined where we would be today. Just two people, celebrating life.
Always up for an adventure, Donte helped Gina celebrate her accomplishments in San Diego and treated her to a cruise on the town.
Celebrating New Years with Golden Vibes!
Our journey has been filled with adventure and curiousity. Over the years, we have loved traveling to different places and enjoying new experiences.
With a drank and good energy, a TIME WILL BE HAD!
Our story wouldn't be complete without the familia!!!
What happens in Vegas...
Mexico with the Familia for Christmas
As our family grows, so does the LOVE
The Fam Bam
And each year, our family grows!
Here's to many more adventures and a life of GOLDEN opportunity!